
To boost digital service delivery between EU Member States, the European Commission (EC) has adopted various regulations which often have a major impact on government organisations. We are on hand to help you get started with the relevant data exchanges and link-ups with EU Member States and other (contracting) states.

Knowledge and advice centre

The EC provides facilities in the shape of infrastructure and standardised building blocks. In addition, the EC provides co-funding to foster cross-border digital service delivery. As a knowledge and advice centre, we are happy to provide our conceptual input on the best ways for you to make the most of the European assistance on offer. Or we put you in touch with organisations in EU Member States you are looking to strike up a partnership with. In recent years, we have built an extensive international network.

RINIS ensures the interoperability of the EU facilities with the Generic Digital Infrastructure

RINIS was commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to act as the official connection point to the European eGovernment infrastructure. As part of this role, we administer the national access point for eDelivery and attend to connecting Dutch government organisations to the European TESTA netwerk. This puts data exchanges with all TESTA-connected government organisations in the EU at your fingertips. Dutch competent institutions are seen to exchange data with some 15,000 institutions outside of the Netherlands.

Generic building blocks, such as eDelivery and eTranslation

We provide full support on how best to use generic EU building blocks for protected and guaranteed messaging data. Examples of which include eDelivery and eTranslation. TESTA provides scope for the exchange of files and secure mail.

Living Lab

How does a building block work exactly? And what does this mean to your own ICT environment? We show you in practice. Our Living Lab enables you to try out realistic examples. We devise a secure test environment that lets you experience the risks and opportunities of a given solution for yourself. We look forward to taking your business case to the next level.

Support for Single Digital Gateway and innovative schemes

We serve as an implementation partner for the Single Digital Gateway, the future digital gateway for the delivery of digital services to European citizens and businesses. We are available to assist you with the implementation of the Once-Only Principle (OOP). In addition, we keep our finger on the pulse of the latest developments , for instance in the area of eArchiving, API, blockchain and DE4A. We sit in on a number of working groups and are invited by the European Commission and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to involve ourselves with (new) European initiatives.

Keen to find out more?

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