Signing up for basic information record
To enable once-only data entry by citizens and businesses, the government organisations use basic information records. We enable your organisation to exchange messages with the entire system of basic information record registries. To do so, all that that is required is just a single link-up.

- One sign-up for messaging data with all basic information record registries
- Sign-up is often made to occur via Digikoppeling and across Diginetwerk, with other interfaces also available
- We put in place the link-up and convert messages into the desired format
One sign-up for all basic information record registries
We arrange for a once-only sign-up for message exchanges with all basic information record registries:
- Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen BAG (Basic information record Addresses and Buildings)
- Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie BGT (Basic information record Large-Scale Topography)
- Basisregister Inkomen BRI (Key Register Income)
- Basisregistratie Kadaster BRK (Basic information record Land Registry)
- Basisregistratie Ondergrond BRO (Basic information record Subsoil)
- Basisregistratie Personen BRP (Personal Records Database)
- Basisregistratie Topografie BRT (Key register Topography)
- Basisregistratie Voertuigen BRV (Basic information record Vehicles)
- Handelsregister HR (Commercial Register)
- Basisregistratie WOZ (Basic information record Real Property Valuation)
Signing up with Digikoppeling
Digikoppeling is the standard link-up for electronic messaging services between government organisations. We sign up your organisation to Digikoppeling and configure the exchange with the basic information record for you. From that time forward, we deliver the messages in the protocol of your choice. This remains unaffected by any future changes in the Digikoppeling standard. Leaving you with full peace of mind.